主页 > 作品案例 > manbetx官网登录站建设
作者: admin 发布时间: 2018-11-07 02:14
We at the Ruiwen Healthcare Center for Reproductive Health are committed to helping infertile couples through the journey of family. We understand this process can be frustrating and challenging but our professional team is here to help. We are led by Dr. Steven R. Lindheim, an American IVF specialist who moved to Shanghai from the United States to lead Ruiwen. Dr. Lindheim is board certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Reproductive Endocrinology; a Professor at Wright State Medical School; Editor of the Fertility and Sterility Journal; and President of the American Reproductive surgical society. He has vast experience and expertise in all areas of endocrine disorders, infertility diagnosis, and treatment. He and our whole team is committed to providing you the best optimal chance of success for a healthy pregnancy in a supportive and compassionate environment.
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